David Fox (Ph.D. Economics, Columbia, Visiting Assistant Professor at Kester College, Knittersville, New York) is having a aggravating year. He has a temporary place at a small college in a small city miles from the whole lot besides Albany. His students have by no means read Freakonomics. He thinks he is getting the cling of teaching, however a sensible and beautiful young lady in his Economics of Social Points class is distractingly flirtatious. His research is stagnant, to place it kindly. His search for a tenure-track job looms dauntingly. (The earlier visiting assistant professor of economics is now working in a bookstore.) So when a right-wing assume tank known as the Heart to Research Alternatives for a Religious Society (CROSS)--affiliated with the Salvation Academy for Value Economics (SAVE)--desires to publish (and publicize) a paper he wrote as a graduate student showing the benefits of highschool abstinence programs, fetchingly retitled "Something for Nothing," he ignores his misgivings and accepts happily. In any case, publication is "the coin of the realm," as a senior colleague puts it.However David faces a private dilemma when his prized outcomes are forged into doubt. The college year is stuffed with other challenges as effectively, including faculty politics, a romance with a Knittersville native, working the annual interview gauntlet, and delivering the culminating "job discuss" lecture beneath trying circumstances. David's adventures offer an instructive fictional guide for the younger economist and an entertaining and comic story for everybody excited about questions of balancing career and life, success and integrity, and loyalty and desire.
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