Small beastly imaging has been accustomed as an important apparatus in preclinical research. Nevertheless, the after-effects of non-invasive imaging are generally black attributable to best of a suboptimal imaging modality and/or shortcomings in abstraction design, beginning setup, and abstracts evaluation. This arbiter is a applied adviser to the use of non-invasive imaging in preclinical research. Each of the accessible imaging modalities is discussed in detail, with the abetment of abundant advisory illustrations. In addition, abounding advantageous hints are provided on the accession of a baby beastly unit, abstraction planning, beastly handling, and the cost-effective achievement of baby beastly imaging. Cross-calibration methods, abstracts postprocessing, and appropriate imaging applications are aswell advised in depth. This is the aboriginal book to awning all the applied basics in baby beastly imaging, and it will prove an invaluable aid for researchers, students, and technicians.
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