Comprehensive, related, and meticulously up-to-date, BUSINESS LAW, Eleventh Version, combines in-depth protection of enterprise regulation in a novel scholar-pleasant format. It delivers a traditional blend of black letter legislation and cutting-edge protection of contemporary points and circumstances - making the law accessible, fascinating, and related for readers. It supplies a wonderful assortment of cases, starting from precedent-setting landmarks to the newest decisions. Ethical, global, and e-commerce themes are built-in all through the text, which also emphasizes essential-pondering skills. Quite a few features and exercises make sure that college students have a strong understanding of chapter concepts. In addition, the text's unmatched support materials include innovative on-line examine tools (obtainable on the textual content's companion website online: www.cengage.com/blaw/clarkson) that can help maximize efforts and improve results. It's no marvel that BUSINESS LAW, Eleventh Version, is utilized by extra colleges and universities than another business law text.
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