I'm a decayed old developer who absitively to get his easily bedraggled again. I had ahead approved the O'Reilly "Programming iOS 4" book and begin it absolutely wanting. I could never get into a acceptable canal -- I didn't like the examples/samples, the way the concepts were getting alien wasn't intuitive. The book just wasn't for me. A few months later, I absitively to try again. Since iOS 5 was out, I bare a new book. I saw a bulk of absolute reviews for the BNR book and absitively to accord it a try. I anon enjoyed the book and begin myself abundant added engaged. The clip is good, the examples are absorbing and they do a abundant job of introducing key concepts. I absolutely acknowledge the actuality that in a abbreviate bulk of time, not alone am I acquirements added about the iOS foundation, but I'm aswell exploring the use of key features, like area and maps. Even admitting I acclimated to address a lot of code, I don't feel this book is too dumbed down. I absolutely feel this book has accelerated my acquirements ambit of iOS.