From the reviews: “This unusual book superbly blends two specialties that are not commonly thought of together - internal medicine and radiology. … The audience includes any clinicians looking for a practical book about the best imaging studies for particular situations. … This results in a highly successful book. … This is a very good book … . It would be a great book for teaching institutions and residency training programs, as it brings together the imaging decision-making process with the anatomy and physiology that should be considered.” (Vincent F. Carr, Doody’s Review Service, July, 2010) “A physician who practiced internal medicine and then surgery before he became a radiologist, the author explains that this book is designed to help radiologists think like internists … . internists can likewise benefit from this book by learning what help radiologists can offer in establishing a diagnosis. … much value to practicing internists and radiologists, residents in those specialties, and medical students, as well as physicians and allied health care personnel who deal with common medical problems of patients … .” (Leonard Berlin, Journal of the American Medical Association, March, 2011)
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